A Happy Hum

As I am writing this post, my dishwasher is hard at work in the kitchen cleaning my grandmother’s dirty dishes.  I borrowed them today from my Mom for tonight’s dinner with some dear friends. How many times these dishes have been used for family gatherings and special meals.  How many times these dishes have been washed over and over only to get them dirty again.

In the next room Tom is  enjoying the Orlando Magic game with our daughter.  Both are slowly recovering from a month of sickness.  All of us agree, it is good to be on this side of it all.

There is a peaceful calm settled around us, which is much more noticeable after such a season.  Gone are the nights where sleep is disturbed to care for a fever or an unrelenting cough.  Gone are the questions, doubts and fears.  Once we discover what it is that ails us, we take the proper medications, get plenty of rest and hope (and pray) for healthier tomorrows.

How grateful we are to have a place where we can clean up messes and recover slowly from illness.  A place where we know we belong.  Even on our worst days, home is our place to be our messy selves.  The place where we know we’ll receive the washing of our souls from all that troubles us.  Whether it’s sickness we’re facing or the worst of circumstances.

Just like the dishwasher which cleans the dishes until a reflection can be seen, we pour out love and compassion on our loved ones until they smile back at us through the sickness and trouble.

Tonight I am grateful to God for this happy hum.  There is a cleansing taking place, and soon – very soon – we’ll be ready to welcome more guests into our home to share the place God has given us for life and health and happiness.

Can you hear the hum in your home?

About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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7 Responses to A Happy Hum

  1. Debi, this is a beautiful post. It is just what I needed to read today.


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  3. Barb M. says:

    I’m so glad to hear everyone’s feeling better. We had this same sickness all summer. In fact, my oldest teen son had it for 5 months straight!! He is now ill again, with something similar, but w/o the horrible neverending cough. Just the fever. But I figure it’s because he plays sports, works, goes to school and firefighting classes, and spends time with his girl and friends and never, ever rests or eats well enough. I pray over all our households for God’s healing hand.


    • Debi Walter says:

      Thank you, Barb! We certainly are ready for God’s healing hand to help us. Blessings to you and your family!


  4. Sharon O says:

    Trying to hear it. Hubby had surgery yesterday and I am now his ‘nurse’ which in itself is challenge. My calling was never anything medical so I am being stretched and pulled in ways that are ‘different and new’. Lord God I pray for compassion and grace.


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