Happy Hour

Tom and I have been away on vacation – kind of.  We’re taking care of our two grandchildren who live in Atlanta, while our daughter and son-in-love are away enjoying the vineyards of CA.  It has been a fun, exhausting, silly and heart fulfilling week so far.  Here is a picture Norah, our 4 year old granddaughter, took of us…followed by a picture I took of them.  Notice they are in the same post – how cute is that?

Norah and Bradley

As a result, it has been difficult to read as many blogs as we normally do for this post. Below are the ones we were able get to, and we’re so glad we did.  Excellent writing going on around the marriage blogosphere.

As you are reading our picks we will be meeting Scott and Jenni for dinner for the first time.  You probably know them from the Journey To Surrender blog.  It has been a fun couple of months meeting and sharing with like-minded couples who’s ministry is to have a marriage blog. One thing they all have in common – humility. This is what has drawn us to meet them in person. We’ll be sure to glean as much as we can from dinner tonight, and take a few pictures to share with you next week too.  🙂

Have a great weekend!

Encourage Your Spouse

  • What Did You Expect? A Book Review – We’ve told you this is our favorite marriage book BY FAR.  Here you can read another couple’s take on this excellent book by Paul Tripp.
  • Saying “I Love You” Out Loud – if you haven’t done this in a meaningful way in a while, then read this post.  You will finish with a greater desire to say it as soon as you can.  Lori is a great encourager, as you’ll soon read for yourself.

Hot, Holy and Humorous

  • What Is Intimacy? –  You may be surprised to see it is much more than your first answer.

Journey To Surrender

  • The Power of Words – this post is excellent and full of rich wisdom which, if applied, will change your marriage for good.

Marriage Gems

  • Have An Affair With Your Spouse – Yes, this title is provocative, but it is a practice sure to keep boredom at bay. This is a must read if you are finding yourself at a lack of excitement in any area of your marriage.

Marriage Life

Marriage Missions International

One Flesh Marriage

The Generous Husband

  • Leave The Kids Out Of It – Do you argue in front of your children? Do you try to get them to take sides? Please, for the sake of your family and future read this post!

The Generous Wife

  • What To Do With Conflict – another book review, this one of The Peacemaker, by Ken Sande.  If you have never read this book, you will certainly want to after reading Lori’s take on it.
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7 Responses to Happy Hour

  1. So glad to have found your blog. We (Tammie & I are fellow UBC bloggers) are friends w/ Lori Ferguson of Encourage Your Spouse and find her inspirational. I love these marriage blogs. Tammie has been happily married for almost 30 years and I am about to get married next year for my 3rd time. People ask me why marry since we are both in our late 40s and not about to have kids, but I still really believe in it. For both of us hopefully 3rd time’s the charm!


    • Debi Walter says:

      Oh I’m so glad you found us too. This is why we love the UBC! I met Lori through our July challenge which led to us having dinner the next month when they visited Orlando. As for your marriage – I pray this one is filled with many wonderful surprises as you become one flesh. Check out our Your Engaged page for great ideas during this special time in your relationship! Another great book is What Did You Expect? by Paul Tripp.


  2. marianrhea says:

    This is so nice and I LOVE the pictures!


  3. Lori says:

    Wishing you and Tom much energy & some restful sleep to stay strong! Thank you for sharing.


    • Debi Walter says:

      Thank you, Lori. We are feeling the need for restful sleep. We’re going to plan B tonight – Tom with Bradley and me with Norah. Hopefully, this will help them sleep all night. 🙂


  4. DJS says:

    Wonderful post, and nice pics. I understand barely having time to comment.

    –Diana Jillian


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