A Deadline Or A Life Line?

Photo Credit: store.thereedspace.com

I’m making a confession to you today. It has been something I’ve been afraid to mention for fear I would kill my progress.

I have been writing a book.

It isn’t about marriage per se. It’s an historical fiction based on the life of my grandmother. Her story is compelling, and I didn’t hear it all until after she died a month before my 20th birthday. I was filled with regret at all the things I didn’t know about her. By the time I was old enough to start caring, she was gone.

God began stirring in my heart a desire to know her story. I wasn’t a writer, but I loved writing – I always had. That was probably 25 years ago. And yesterday I finished the second draft of my manuscript. It has taken 10 years to actually write her story, because I really didn’t know what I was doing.  There are many stories I could tell you in regards to this, but that will be for another time.

What I’m impressed with today is this thought – maybe giving a project a “deadline” is what holds me back. I like the idea of a “life line” instead.

Photo Credit: savvyvitality.wordpress.com

So many times I felt as if my grandmother was telling me her story as I wrote it. It was like a life line being thrown to me in the sea of my writer’s block. In reality I know it was God who was helping me in my weakness. He was the One who compelled me to write her story in the first place, because her life glorified Him. And it was out of obedience to His call that I set out on this journey, not knowing where it would lead.

Tonight we will have our monthly Writer’s meeting, and I can’t wait to share my news with them. They have encouraged me and prodded me on when I wanted to quit.  Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it isn’t worth the effort. In fact, the mountains which loom largest before us are usually the ones which provide the best views. It’s worth the discipline, the pain and the time.

So, what areas in your marriage seem the most difficult? Have you been putting off talking about “that issue” because of the pain in causes? Has God inspired you to do something and it seems impossible? We have a lifetime to trust God and follow His lead. I had no idea it would take me 25+ years to hold my grandmother’s story in my hand, but last night I did – a life long dream come true.

Now comes the work of getting it published. I see another mountain before me!

Oh and we can’t forget – Only ONE More Day…

About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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6 Responses to A Deadline Or A Life Line?

  1. “the mountains which loom largest before us are usually the ones which provide the best views”
    Thanks for this, Debbie — it meets me right where I am right now!


  2. This is wonderful that you are writing your grandmother’s story. If not a firsthand account then at least YOU are recording her life. And from your perspective which will be so meaningful.


  3. Congrats Debi,
    I have just finished writing my book too. The mountain you see is nothing compelled to what you have achieved. All we need do daily is show up with the right intent and God will take over from there.
    Do have a blissful weekend


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