Loving Your Spouse With Gospel Love

A good friend of mine recently posted on her blog, The Beauty of Brokenness. She wrote about dreams and hopes for the future. When a couple first gets married their dreams are  plentiful like the trees in the forest; everywhere they look there is the hope of things to come.

But somewhere along the road, dreams are dashed. Life doesn’t play out the way we had expected, and disappointment ensues. It is in this place of brokenness where the Gospel can have a powerful effect on the marriage covenant. What do you do with broken dreams?

Let’s look at what God did for us in the Garden. Life for Adam and Eve was perfect–literally. God had created an oasis for them to live, love and grow in their communion with the Father. Imagine, they walked with God in the cool of the evening! Yet, even in this perfect environment, dreams were dashed. Why? Because of sin.

It is still the same today. When a couple stands facing each other at the altar vowing to love one another as long as they both shall live, they aren’t thinking about when things won’t go as expected. But we are guaranteed by Christ Himself that we will have trouble in this life. We can look at this apart from the Gospel, or we can look at this in light of the Gospel.

The Gospel broke through and rescued us from a life of drudgery and slavery to sin. We were without hope to change, yet our God took the place we deserved and died to set us free. No other god was willing to suffer and die for those he loved. Our God is unlike any other god. And He sets an example for us to follow. He laid His life down for us!

Sheree said,

Broken dreams are hard to handle. Until I think of Eden. I think about how God’s perfect and beautiful plan for His image-bearers was broken by sin. Yet even before the garden was created, God devised a plan. From the brokenness came a glorious plan of redemption that put God’s wisdom and love on display.

When our dreams are broken and dashed like a shattered mirror. Instead of seeing the future broken, we can see a hundred more visions of the same future as reflected in each tiny piece. Our joy can be multiplied if we will but look for it.

(Photo: arielp/Flickr Creative Commons)

What does this look like in marriage? Dreams dashed to pieces can come in so many forms. Here are a few and how the Gospel can help you see it from a different perspective:

  • When your spouse loses their job, rather than enter into self-pity and fear, you are looking forward to an unknown future with faith in your Heavenly Father who holds the future in His hands. Prayer becomes your full-time job.
  • When your spouse is struggling with chronic illness, you look to the Lord to help you lay down your life in order to help the one who is helpless.
  • When your spouse or you struggle with the same sin, yet again, Christ stands ready to forgive, yet again. How often are we to extend forgiveness? Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times. (Matthew 18:21-22 ESV) Realizing how much Christ has forgiven me, helps me to extend forgiveness to my spouse.
  • When my expectations aren’t met in my marriage, I look to the Lord to help me love my spouse the way Christ has loved me. I didn’t do anything to deserve His love. Why should I demand my spouse do something for me in order for me to show them love? Expectations should be held loosely and discussed often.
  • When things are being said about your spouse you know aren’t true, rather than take up their offense, seek to help your spouse seek to love in spite of the offense. What profit is it if we love those who love us? It is a greater display of the Gospel to love those who aren’t acting loving towards us.
  • When my spouse is selfish and ignores me. The best way to demonstrate Gospel love is to extend it to those who don’t deserve it. How like Christ who asked His Father to forgive the Roman soldiers who were crucifying Him, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34

Certainly, this kind of love goes against our nature. It isn’t natural to lay down our wants, our dreams and our desires for the good of another. But Christ did, and He has promised to help us do the same. Apart from Him this would be impossible, but with God all things are possible–even loving our spouse with Gospel love.

Enjoy this song by Keith Green titled, Your Love Broke Through:

About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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9 Responses to Loving Your Spouse With Gospel Love

  1. Isaiah 52:7 (NASB)
    How lovely on the mountains
    Are the feet of him who brings good news,
    Who announces peace
    And brings good news of happiness,
    Who announces salvation,
    And says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

    Amen! You have brought us good news! And a wonderfully appropriate song too! Thank you for making my morning all the better for having read this before leaving for work. Well done!


  2. Beautiful. All things are possible with God – it’s good to be reminded.


    • Debi Walter says:

      Yes, we all need reminders, don’t we? This is why we blog–not because we’ve arrived, but because it helps us remember!


  3. Pingback: The Gospel In The Bedroom | My Beloved Is Mine!

  4. I love that even though we are no longer in the same church and can’t hug each other each Sunday morning, we are still connecting. I love how God uses us to challenge and encourage one another. You are my forever friend and I’m so grateful for how God is using you and Tom to encourage, strengthen, and support marriages. Keep writing!


    • Debi Walter says:

      I feel the same way. It makes me smile whenever I read your post that is right in the vein of things I’m thinking and/or writing. I miss you. Keep writing too! 🙂


  5. Scott says:

    I just love this post! So full of truth, hope and light. I recently wrote something about the view the disciples had on the Saturday before Easter being similar to a marriage facing hard times. The hope and promise they held when they gave up their lives to follow Jesus was dashed at the cross. Yet hope remained because God is by nature a redeemer and restorer. As a result of the resurrection, what they ended up with was more than they could have imagined! The Bible tells us that this same power that raised Jesus from the dead resides in us and in our marriages.


    • Debi Walter says:

      Yes, Scott! This is the only reason our marriages have hope in difficulty. Christ is our Redeemer, which includes the Redeemer of marriage.


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