Wanted: Forgiveness

While we were on vacation we heard a new song by Matthew West titled, Forgiveness. It hasn’t been released yet, so the only video we could find was of a live performance he recently did in CA. The best part is he shares the story about how he came to write such a powerful song. We won’t spoil it for you, but we encourage you to take a few minutes and listen.

Forgiveness is a powerful force–able to break chains of bondage and oppression. Maybe you’ve been hurt by someone in the past, and it’s affecting you still today. Maybe you were the one who did something terribly wrong, and you can’t break free from the condemnation that looms large on your horizon every day. The guilt is suffocating. All hope that your life or your marriage will ever be better is gone.

The Truth is Christ has come to set us free, and “He whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” This is good news for those who think they’ve gone too far or who feel the pain has cut too deep to ever be totally free. Watch this video and be sure to watch the end. You won’t want to miss it.

Who might you need to extend forgiveness to today? Who might you need to go to and ask for their forgiveness?

The best place to begin is remembering how much Christ has forgiven you.  Will it be easy? No. But remember this: Renee’ said it was impossible for her to forgive this man in her own power, but Christ did it through her.

What a Savior!

NOTE: If you are reading this and haven’t yet experienced the loving forgiveness of a merciful God, please know that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. This is the Good News of the Gospel, and it is the only reason we have hope to offer marriages in all seasons of life. Contact us if you would like more information on the Good News.

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2 Responses to Wanted: Forgiveness

  1. Christophe says:

    That was awesome. Thanks for sharing! 😎


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