13 Fall Dates – #7

Art Credit: Kirsten Bailey

Today’s date may take a little planning, but it will be oh, so worth it! We’re planning to try this one while we’re in the mountains. 🙂

Fall Date #7


Purchase or borrow an inflatable mattress if you can. Get a set of sheets, blankets, whatever you need to stay comfortable while outside. Set up your “bed” in a flat spot with a great view of the night sky.

Crawl into your warm spot and cuddle with each other while gazing heavenward.

Use this time to watch for a shooting star. When you finally see one, pray together to God asking for His help with all you’re facing. Make this an intimate moment to connect together as you consider God’s glorious majesty. For fun study up on some of the constellations and see if you can find the major ones.

Make sure you leave your phones in the house. No need to be distracted from this date night which is sure to give you a new perspective on whatever you may be facing.

Things to consider while stargazing:

  • God knows every star by name.
  • The limitlessness of space. God oversees it all, yet He knows you by name.
  • The difference between the light and the dark. God’s Truth dispels the darkness.
  • How far reaching “forever” is. Space goes on for eternity. And God is greater than the stars and space you’re considering.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?
(Psalm 8:3-4 ESV)


This is post #7 in the CMBA 1/2 Marathon Blogging Challenge

to post for 13 days in October.

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13 Responses to 13 Fall Dates – #7

  1. Steve Fryar says:

    My bride and I love sitting outside and watch the shooting stars. The Hubble Telescope just confirms that the heavens are endless and amazing. How can someone not believe in God when we see His wondrous creation: Man in His likeness, the world in perfect order and the heavens? We even look for satellites since they take longer to cross the heavens.


  2. Thanks Debi sounds like great fun!


  3. Oh to be young again. Sounds like a great idea.


  4. joleneengle says:

    Sounds like a wonderful idea, Debi!


  5. So many ppl think they can’t enjoy a date night, but there’s just so much we can do (for free too!). Good idea:)


  6. Adam's Eve says:

    Oh we love stargazing! What a fantastic idea!


  7. A great idea! Just be sure to take a blanket in more northern areas. And a bit of coffee or hot chocolate is always a good idea.


    • Debi Walter says:

      Yes, we realize the weather won’t permit all of our readers to do these ideas. This is why we’re offering 13–hopefully there will be another one that will be a perfect fit.


  8. Pingback: Fall Date Night Ideas | The Romantic Vineyard

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