The How’s And Why’s Of Desperate Prayer

Photo Credit: Dwell In Bethel

Photo Credit: Dwell In Bethel

We have heard it said that when trouble is weighing heavily on you that this is an indication of the need for more prayer. If you haven’t completely left it at the foot of the Cross, then stay in prayer until the weight is lifted. The Holy Spirit will be sure you know when that is.

In marriage there are so many facets to making it a healthy one. It’s easy to point a finger at your spouse, either literally or in your heart, placing the blame on them for what your marriage lacks. But God doesn’t see it this way. You are one flesh. He accomplished this miracle on your wedding day. Your spouse’s weaknesses are your own, and vice versa. Seeing and owning your spouse’s weaknesses in this way will help you both work as a team, instead of fighting like enemies.

What is currently weighing on your spouse’s heart? Commit to pray for them and the situation until you sense God lift the burden. It may take longer than you expect, so don’t enter your prayer closet with an expectation as to when you think your time should end. Be willing to “stay awake” in prayer for your spouse as long as is needed. Let the Holy Spirit lead you in this, and watch how God delights to answer the desperate cries of your heart.

“But the things that we feel most deeply, we ought to learn to be silent about, at least until we have talked them over thoroughly with God.” – Elisabeth Elliot

As an added blessing, write your spouse a note telling them what you’ve done. Mail it to them or place it somewhere where it will catch them by surprise. Or you may want to continue praying for them in secret and not tell them what you’re doing. Let the answer come and then share how God met you in your prayer closet on their behalf. We guarantee this kind of desperate prayer will draw you closer to your spouse than anything else you could ever do for them.

“We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there’s nothing else we can do, but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.― Oswald Chambers


This is post #8 in the challenge to post everyday in April.


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6 Responses to The How’s And Why’s Of Desperate Prayer

  1. Amy Miller says:

    That last quote says it all. What an awesome reminder this morning. Heading to my prayer closet now.


  2. This is so good!!! I must pray for David more often! What a great reminder!


  3. Lyn Smith says:

    God used your post in such a timely way. After much preparation on my part in prayer, my husband finally “broke” this morning and shared his heart regarding his adult son (my stepson). We have been dealing with some difficult issues with my stepson and I have been becoming increasingly frustrated. I couldn’t understand how my husband was handling things, until he finally broke down this morning and truly shared his heart and fears. We needed that SO badly. I immediately prayed with him and have felt such a lifting of that burden. The situation is far from resolved, but we are one in moving forward in Christ’s strength to deal with it. We have the hope of Christ and know that we need to persevere both in prayer for my stepson and for how we handle this together. Thank you for posting this…it really spoke to my situation and encourages me to keep praying for my husband, even when I can’t see the immediate results.


    • Debi Walter says:

      Isn’t it amazing how God delights to answer us when we cry out to Him in desperation. I love the quote by Abraham Lincoln that says, “I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.”
      It blesses us to know that our post encouraged and helped you. What a God we serve!


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