Catch Me If You Can

Humpty DumptyDebi had a great fall…

Last week I took an unexpected fall. I was waiting on Tom to meet me at Starbucks when it started to rain. Fortunately, I was under one of the huge green umbrellas many stores provide on their patios. I was safe and dry.

When Tom walked up, I went to meet him by our car. I stepped off of the sidewalk onto the parking lot when my right foot slipped on an oil slick–what we call “Florida Ice.” In no time I was on the pavement–my knee taking the full impact. It all happened so fast that even though Tom was within reach, there was nothing he could do to stop my fall. I was hurt, bleeding, wet and embarrassed. But most of all I was grateful Tom was right there.

A kind woman came running out of Starbucks to see if I was okay, or if I wanted her to call anyone for me. She didn’t realize Tom was with me since I had been sitting on the patio alone. I told her Tom was my husband and thanked her for being so thoughtful.

Later, Tom said I missed my chance to say, “I’m hoping this good-looking man will help me!” šŸ˜‰ He was right. It would have been a great line, except I wasn’t thinking about great lines. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been hurt like this. Tom insisted I put ice on my knee, which was worse than the pain of the fall itself! I don’t do well with cold–never have. So this was pure torture, but I listened. And I’m grateful I did. The next day my knee didn’t look near as bad as I thought it might. I’m sure the ice did the trick, and Tom’s attentive care.

We have a framed photo in our bedroom of The Romantic Vineyard banner. On it is printed, “I love you because…” and this was the perfect opportunity to fill in the blank. Here’s what I wrote… (notice the stick figure drawing that Tom drew in response! šŸ™‚ ) Yeah, that’s me on the ground, and Tom right there to help me up. You might like to know that I didn’t spill a drop of my coffee–now that’s impressive. When was the last time your spouse came to your rescue? How did you express your gratefulness?


About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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7 Responses to Catch Me If You Can

  1. Kathy says:

    I so look forward to your posts! No matter what its about you always make me stop and think. Today I thought of ALL the things I love Eddie because of…..and there are many! God is so faithful and if we let Him….He will give us the desires of our hearts…in His time. ā¤


  2. Debi,
    I’m sorry you were hurt, but how nice for Tom to be there to “rescue” you. There is something about coming to the rescue of a damsel in distress that’s so romantic. It’s a wonderful opportunity to express our love and devotion in a time of need. Based on his artwork, I’m sure he enjoyed pampering you as much as you enjoyed his attention. How sweet it is…


  3. Sharon O says:

    Love the stick figures. that is cute. My sister fell over a year ago and shattered her ankle she had to have plates and screws to put it back together we never know when one fall can be life changing. SO glad you are safe and ok and your ‘rescuer’ was right there with you.


  4. email708 says:

    SO sorry to read of your fall. I hope itā€™s a temporary ouch (because you have grandma things to do, which is too important to allow any ouchie to interfere with). Iā€™m so glad Tom was thereā€¦ even if he couldnā€™t prevent the physical impact, he was there to support you emotionally, which is almost more important. Gotta love our guys ā€” they sure are keepers!

    In keeping with your questions, I want to say that Iā€™m so grateful for my husband Steve. If it was up to him Iā€™d never hurt in any way, shape or form. I love this about him. But life does provide us with lots of hurts ā€“thatā€™s the way it is on this side of heaven. Yet when the hurts come my/our way, my sweet husband is there to support me in whatever way he can, even if itā€™s just a shoulder to cry on (which makes for some soggy shirts sometimes). I continually pray that I will be Godā€™s support in human form for Steve whenever he needs it. Thatā€™s a big part of marriage ā€“being Godā€™s colleague in loving our spouse.

    Thank you Lord for these wonderful men you gave us. I pray that you help Debi to heal fast and heal well so she and Tom wonā€™t be hindered in any way to minister to the many You bring their way ā€“whether itā€™s family, friends, visitors to this web site, or anyone you send to them. Thank you for the testimony of their lives ā€“we are blessed to know them. ā€¦ We love you Lord, and we love you Debi, ā€“your sister in Christ, Cindy –


    • Debi Walter says:

      My knee is healing fine, and it makes me that much more sympathetic when our littles skin their knees…it really hurts. Even a week later!
      Looking forward to catching up with you soon!


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