Can You Trust Me Here?

We had only been married a few months when I became very sick, requiring surgery. The look in Tom’s eyes revealed his concern, but even more revealing was his deep love for me. I saw mirrored in him the love of my Father for me asking…

Can you trust Me here?

After three years of marriage we faced some serious “getting to know you” conflicts. It was hard realizing the picture perfect, fairytale ideal I had of marriage wasn’t going to play out that way. I realized I had to do hard things in marriage–repent and forgive. This wasn’t a one time occurrence but an on-going lifestyle all healthy marriages must embrace. My Father asked…

Can you trust Me here?

The test was positive and we were elated to be expecting our first baby. We announced it to the world that our baby would be joining our family in December. However, just a few days later we miscarried our precious bundle of joy. It hit me hard and all the fearful questions poured in–Why me? Will I ever be able to have a baby? Is this my future, to be childless? My Father answered…

Can you trust Me here?

Our next-door neighbor’s husband died in their home after a long illness. We were the first ones she called over to hold her hand while she said good-bye to the love of her life. We loved them so much and to watch her say her goodbye to him touched a depth in our heart we had yet to experience. Death was real and so was the love forged through a lifelong marriage. How will we handle such heartache when it’s our turn to part? My Father simply said…

Can you trust Me here?

We had decided to move to a neighborhood closer to our friends. We found a home we loved and put ours up for sale. It sold right away, and so did the home that we wanted to buy. We missed it by 24 hours. We had six weeks to closing and had to find a place for us and our three children, but there was nothing available that would work for our family. We waited and waited. Four weeks passed and still no home. Would we live in an apartment for a year? And God said…

Can you trust Me here?

My husband’s work was increasingly stressful. Then his boss’s wife (who also worked at the office) was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She would leave her job as Office Manager immediately leaving Tom to cover for her. Add to this, his boss was unable to drive and could no longer come into the office. Tom was responsible to cover for both of them. Neither of us could imagine how he could continue working like this and keep our personal lives going. My Father understood and asked…

Can you trust Me here?

All of these situations I have shared above with you have resolutions that would astound you. But in the moment we had a choice to make. Would we trust God or be filled with fear? This post is serving to remind me that life has a constant stream of challenges and difficulties, heartbreaks and brokenness, uncertain outcomes and limited options. But through them all God promises to never leave us or forsake us. At least for those of us who believe in Him and call Him, Father.

Every day we have a choice to make–to believe and trust Him, or to doubt and fear what will happen.

I may do this great with my current struggle and still fail miserably with the next. Trust is a growing process, much like climbing a ladder. The first step may come easy, but the next may be more challenging. And the higher we climb the more there seems to be at risk for falling. But we must remember Who is holding us as we climb; It’s not our grip on the ladder, but His grip on us as we take each step. His hand may be unseen, but like the wind, you know He’s there.

We may be farther up the ladder than you, and it could seem like we’ve had it easy. But I’m here to testify that every wrung on our ladder tells a story of God’s faithfulness to us through many “dangers, toils and snares”. And this gives us faith to share our struggles with you. If it helps you take the next step trusting God, then it is worth it to us.

Tom and I talk often about what is weighing on our mind and heart. It’s a big part of marriage asking each other this question, “Can we trust God in the here and now about the things that are not yet?”

We have faced many heartbreaking challenges in our 43 years together. These are just a few. But through each and every one, God has shown us He is faithful. Even when the answer is “NO” when we wanted and prayed for a “YES”. He repeats the question…

Can you trust Me here?

photo credit: Photo by Jessica Alves on Unsplash

About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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10 Responses to Can You Trust Me Here?

  1. cindyschulman says:

    This was perfect timing for my current attitude! I know I can trust God, but still struggle with Him when I don’t get the “yes” I want. Reading this brought me to repentence and greater trust for God’s sovereign plan for me (even when I don’t see where we’re heading). God bless you!! Thank you for many, many years of mentoring (close-up, and even from afar)!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debi Walter says:

      Cindy, it is a hard lesson that I keep having to choose to trust. This post serves as only a small sampling of those times I’m so glad you read this at the time you needed it. God is faithful to give us what we need, but not to give us what we want.
      Miss you guys!
      Debi 🌸🍃

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Vickie L Bale says:

    Debi, I think this is my favorite post of yours. So timely and so true. I still remember the day and place when we were going through a difficult challenge and I said to my husband, “are we going to have to trust God like this all the time?” As soon as those words came out of my mouth, I knew the answer was yes and that’s how God wants it. He wants us to trust Him and I’m so thankful that He’s so trust worthy. My favorite songs are, “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and a newer song, “All My Life You Have Been Faithful.” Life is hard but God is oh so good and all the challenges we’ve went through as a married couple as only strengthened our marriage and also brought us closer to God.
    Thank you for being so transparent and real and for taking us on yours and Tom’s journey of leaning to trust God in all things.
    Our newest challenge is we recently moved into my 87 year old parents upstairs apartment to be a help to them in their remaining years of life.
    Blessings to you both!!
    BTW – I read this post through quietly to myself and then I read it outloud to my hubby and when I did, I had tears running down my eyes all the way through. I’m sharing this post with many.


    • Debi Walter says:

      Thank you for always being such an encourager. Trusting God is a
      Lifelong commitment, and it gets more costly the older we get, in my opinion.
      I’m sure it’s difficult to make such a drastic move to care for your parents. I pray God gives you many moments with them to cherish.
      Blessings to you and your husband,

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Indra says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this, Debi


  4. Another profound post Debi. A question many of usually ponder on the heavy things in life leaving the lighter things up for grabs more often than we should. But IF we answer that question with every circumstance in life in will make life, marriage and parenting so much easier to endure, for the trials never end.

    Thanks for sharing this and my prayer is that it reaches every struggling person or/and situation and let’s them know that YES we can trust Him here and even there!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Reblogged this on Something to Stu Over and commented:
    A very much needed profound post from my Debi @ the romantic vineyard

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Kathy Wire says:

    Hi Debi, visiting here via Stu’s reblog, and glad I did. Thank you for your testimony of God’s faithfulness over the years. Yes, He brings us through some tough times; and yes, He is faithful (and more!) every single time. This was very much an encouragement, and a helping hand up another rung.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Debi Walter says:

      Thank you Kathy. I just visited your blog and love what you shared about Thomas. God’s Word continually surprises me with fresh perspectives and insights.
      I’m so glad you found us. We pray we’ll be an encouragement to you.

      Liked by 2 people

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