Romantic Memorial Day Ideas

This is a day our country celebrates the sacrifice our service men and women have made for our country.  But it can also be a great opportunity to plan something special for your wife.  Here are a few ideas:

  • Make Memorial Stones of your Marriage – God instructed the Israelites to make memorial stones from the dry river bed to help them remember the miracle God had performed for them.   Why not make a Memorial rock garden for your wife that represents all God has done for you?  The idea is simple, but the meaning would go far in communicating to your wife what your marriage means to you.  Make a list of major events and/or miracles God has done in your marriage.  Consider coming up with one stone for every year you’ve been married.  Then, you could add a stone each year to represent what God is currently doing.  Simply use a permanent marker to number each stone underneath and set it in a corner of your yard, or in a potted plant if you don’t have a yard.  Keep a record of what each number represents on a file in your computer.  This will keep the memory of each stone accessible, even if the numbers begin to fade away.   But most importantly you will be communicating in a permanent way how much you thank God for your wife and your marriage. If you have money to invest, you can buy this kit to make your own garden stone.
  • Buy a box of sparklers and tell her how she lights up your night. After dinner enjoy lighting them with your kids. Once they go to bed enjoy making your own sparklers.
  • Buy her favorite candy bar and give it to her sometime during the day. She’ll think you’re sweet for thinking of her.

1 Response to Romantic Memorial Day Ideas

  1. Pingback: 10 Good Clicks for Your Memorial Day Weekend plus Romantic Date Ideas « Becoming His Eve

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