Romantic Labor Day Ideas

  • This Labor Day highlight the labor your wife endured to give birth to your children. She won’t expect it and it will let her know how much you appreciate her. A win win!
  • Make a basket of her Favorite Things: drinks, candy, gift cards for Starbucks or movie, flowers, magazine, etc.  Include a card telling her the favorite things you love about her.
  • Plan a surprise get away.  This one is sure to have her talking for years to come.  Work out who will watch the children, plan your weekend and when it’s all set, tell her.  She will be excited about the trip – but more so that you planned all the details.  How fun to simply throw a suitcase together and walk out the door.  Don’t forget the camera!
  • Give your wife the morning off.  Let her sleep in and maybe make her breakfast in bed.
  • If you have children, thank her specifically for her willingness to have your children.  Communicate to her how much you appreciate her for not only carrying each baby for nine months, but also for the hard work of labor.  Give her one special gift for each child she has brought into the world.
  • Plan a special BONUS date night honoring her hard work as a wife and/or mom.  Present her with a sealed envelope and tell her she can’t open it until the kids are in bed on Monday night.  The date should revolve around all her favorites, and can be anytime after Labor Day.  She’ll look forward to it, and that’s part of the fun.

2 Responses to Romantic Labor Day Ideas

  1. Pingback: Mark Your Calendar | The Romantic Vineyard

  2. Pingback: Fresh Date Ideas for Summer’s End | Becoming His Eve

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