Slices of Our Anniversary Celebration

On Saturday we celebrated our 3rd blogiversary by having 3 couples over for a very special dinner. We served our favorite too – Filet Mignon with Roquefort Sauce. It was a wonderful evening talking, asking questions, listening and most of all giving thanks to God for all He has done and is currently doing in our marriages. The three couples have 11 children combined and range in number of years married from 10 to 21. It was relaxing and so, so fun. Below is a slideshow of our time together.

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When was the last time you had some friends over to celebrate your marriages? Why not make plans over the holidays to do just that. Consider inviting couples whose marriages: you admire, who are in a similar season, who are way ahead of you in years or who are coming up behind you. Think ahead of time of some good questions to ask to keep the conversation from going to the default topics of work, children and/or problems. It doesn’t have to be a fancy meal either. The whole point is to get together and share your marriage and be encouraged by the marriage of others.

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9 Responses to Slices of Our Anniversary Celebration

  1. When I was married, we used to celebrate like that all the time. With an early end to the evening :-).
    Now that I’m not, I still celebrate events (birthdays, friend’s anniversaries, major accomplishments) the same way. It’s great to share- and still have the private time at the end for those private moments.


    • Debi Walter says:

      Celebrations are what make life meaningful, and it helps us mark the milestones in our lives. Thanks for sharing Roy! And yes, we always leave room for those “private moments” too. 😉


  2. What a great idea, Debi. I think I need to start a file with your ideas as you may have noticed I don’t remember all the details that I would like. The pictures are great.


    • Debi Walter says:

      As long as you don’t forget our names I’ll be happy. “Remember that movie with oh…what’s his name?”


  3. Sharon O says:

    Looks like a wonderful evening.


  4. Saleena says:

    I absolutely love this idea! It’s amazing. I have definitely got my work cut out in planning this special event to celebrate our one year blog anniversary in only a few weeks. Thanks for sharing!



  5. Paul Byerly says:

    We will have to visit Orlando some November just to try and wrangle an invitation to this! (For the record, TOM.CAN.COOK!)


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