Where Heaven and Nature Sings

We are on vacation with friends this week. One of our favorite things to do together is spend time worshiping the Lord. This past Sunday morning we sat on the porch overlooking the Atlantic Ocean while worshiping to some of our favorite worship songs. One song in particular we had not heard before, so we were listening closely to the lyrics.

We are on vacation with friends this week. One of our favorite things to do together is spend time worshiping the Lord. This past Sunday morning we sat on the porch overlooking the Atlantic Ocean while singing with some of our favorite worship songs. One song in particular we had not heard before, so we listened closely to the lyrics.

Your Love Is Strong, by Cory Asbury.

While we were singing we noticed a mockingbird perched on the sea grass below who joined us in worshiping God. It was intentional and beautiful. He flew away, or so we thought, but he was back within minutes and continued his harmony.

Imagine our delight when we sang the following lyric…

And Your love, it vanquished all my enemies
It broke the cage that silenced me
And set this songbird free
I sing, for all the love You’ve given me
Rejoice because You’ve chosen me
And called this orphan home

We smiled realizing this was a moment to cherish. Not only has Christ compelled us to worship Him in spirit and in truth, but He has even compelled all of nature to join us in the chorus. When the song ended our feathered friend flew away.

Vacations are the perfect time to slow down and notice the miracles happening all around us. This is the place where Heaven and nature sings…

What is your favorite worship song?

About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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6 Responses to Where Heaven and Nature Sings

  1. It’s an unlikely worship song,
    my choice from Dropkick Murphys,
    but it’s there for me when all goes wrong
    and courage would desert me.
    The song is “Hang ‘Em High”, for me
    a resounding call to arms
    against cancer’s tyranny,
    and a rejection of its harms.
    The way a song is written, played
    and gracefully becomes
    can be truly Heaven made,
    and God is on the drums.
    So let’s all have another round
    and enjoy this beery, holy sound.

    And, if I may, here it is, courtesy Youtube.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Martha DeMeo says:

    The timing couldn’t be better! I have a few favorite songs and how I remember when my mom and i would sing duets in the church choir. One of my favorites is “Here I am Lord”.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debi Walter says:

      MRtha, what a wonderful memory with your mom. Thanks for sharing it with us.


    • Jeanine Byers says:

      Martha, I used to go to a church where they sang that long at the end of every service and did hand gesture things, too. I loved it! That’s so cool that you have a mom memory connected to it. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Jeanine Byers says:

    Debi, I love to sing worship songs! There’s one that I only remember the chorus to, but I sing it often. “You were there all along, just like a song, somewhere in the back of my mind. You were there all along, leading me on. Now my eyes can see you standing there, waiting to set me free!” Do you know that one?

    Liked by 1 person

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