Finding Love Right Where You Are


You may be familiar with a current hit song by Ed Sheeran titled, Thinking Out Loud. In it he talks about all the mundane seasons of a relationship–growing older, yet loving each other more through these everyday moments.

Think about how much your marriage has changed through the years.

Tom and I have been married over 36 years now. We recently watched some old family videos of when our children were little. It seemed like a lifetime ago when we were in the throes of raising children and learning to love each other in that very busy season.

We’re about to embark on another unfamiliar season, but one we’ve anticipated for years–our youngest daughter is moving out next month. We haven’t lived alone for 33 years! It is full of mixed emotions for both of us, but we’re grateful to God that we have discovered what it looks like to find “love right where we are”. It isn’t enough for our love to be how it used to be. We’re not the same; We have changed, and so has our love. As our seasons change so must the way we relate to each other–the way we care for each other–the way we love each other.

We pray you will discover what it means to find love in the midst of whatever challenges you are currently facing. It takes effort. It takes commitment. It takes a willingness to bend and stretch and accept the new season. This is the secret to a successful marriage…it’s not finding lasting love, but committing to love your spouse in a way that endures through all seasons.

We pray you’ll enjoy this acoustic version of this hit song–and then find practical ways to apply it to your own marriage.

About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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4 Responses to Finding Love Right Where You Are

  1. Shirley Corbett says:

    Marriage is one choice after another…I choose to fall in love with my husband all over again every day…so very grateful for the opportunity to sleep beside him…to be his helper…our love has grown stronger with every decade and now we are reaping the benefits of our commitment made nearly sixty years ago…we cherish the short time remaining and try to find a way to bless one another daily…to enjoy together all we have been given….children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, friends …so much we would never known without each other……


  2. racheljo777 says:

    Absolutely beautiful.


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