Happy Hour 


I’m very excited to share with you a couple of new blogs I’ve discovered this past week. The first is a woman and author named Ellen Gee, who has faced tremendous battles in her life. Through her blog and her recently published memoir titled, My Mother’s Song, she shares with us what she’s learned through it all.


  • Til Death Parted Us<<Ellen shares her perspective on love, romance and commitment after she said goodbye to her husband of 38 years. (tissue alert!)
  • It Wasn’t Funny Then<<Ellen shares with us about a time that was stressful to say the least, yet now looking back she wishes she had embraced the humor more than the frustration. Wise words from the voice of experience.

The next blog I’m excited to introduce to you is by our daughter, Tracy. She has faced many health struggles in her lifetime, none more so than the past ten years. We have watched her faith strengthen and her roots draw from the deep wells of God’s richest mercy reserved for those who suffer. She is an inspiration to all who know her, including her dad and me. This blog is the result of a year-long challenge she gave herself to choose joy everyday, no matter the circumstances.


Finally, I want to share with you an outstanding and moving performance by Kelly Clarkson titled, Piece by Piece. Her father abandoned her when she was only 6 years old. She tried to restore the relationship, only to be hurt again. When she was married and pregnant with her first child, a little girl, she wrote this song to her.


Note To Fathers and Mothers…it matters how involved you are with your kids! You are training them to see a future you will never see. Do your job well and your influence will live on long after you’re gone. Our marriages affect our children more than we realize.

Let’s love well and love for a lifetime–through all the ups and downs we face together. The future depends on us to get it right.

About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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2 Responses to Happy Hour 

  1. Awesome quote: it matters how involved you are with your kids! You are training them to see a future you will never see. Do your job well and your influence will live on long after you’re gone.



    • Debi Walter says:

      Thank you, Barbara. This thought is what motivated my parenting and now my grand parenting. It’s why it’s worth all the effort. And it’s only possible by the strength
      God provides. “Without a vision the people perish.” It says in Proverbs 29:18.


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