Five Friday Favorites – Mother’s Day

Sunday is Mother's Day in the USA. It's a day when we purpose to tell mom all the things we appreciate about her. Some buy flowers, send cards or cook her favorite meal. It's a nice tradition meant to make much of the way mom loves and cares for us the other 364 days of the year.
My Mom passed away in 2012. My Mother-in-law passed away in 2017. We can no longer pick up the phone and call, but our thoughts are still full of appreciation for both of them.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Sunday is Mother’s Day in the USA. It’s a day when we purpose to tell mom all the things we appreciate about her. Some buy flowers, send cards or cook her favorite meal. It’s a nice tradition meant to make much of the way mom loves and cares for us the other 364 days of the year.

My Mom passed away in 2012. My Mother-in-law passed away in 2017. We can no longer pick up the phone and call, but our thoughts are still full of appreciation for both of them.

Today, in honor of Mother’s Day, I am sharing with you five things I appreciated about our Moms. We hope this will cause you to pause and make your own list. But don’t stop there. If your mom is still alive, share it with her. We all need encouragement and shouldn’t wait until it’s too late. (Note: If your Mom wasn’t or isn’t the ideal mom, toxic even, we understand that this day may be difficult for you. I recommend you read a friend’s blog post titled, Seven Ways To Heal From A Toxic Mom, who offers help for you on this day.)

My Mom:

1. My Mom taught me to love history. Both general history and especially our family history. It is because of her I was able to write and publish my first book, Through The Eyes Of Grace. She was the first to receive a copy in Sept. of 2012. She died three months later at the age of 90.

2. My Mom wasn’t led by her emotions but was pragmatic in how she approached life. I didn’t like this when I was growing up, because I found it difficult to relate to her. But as an adult, I realized there is much to be desired in controlling emotions. I could lean on her when I was dealing with my own unsteady emotions.

3. My Mom was loyal. If you were her friend you were blessed by her attention to love and care. She wasn’t just a “fair-weather” friend, but would be there for you as long as you needed her no matter what.

4. My Mom was generous. She would do whatever she could to help us when our money was tight. And she would always say when we thanked her, “My parents helped us when we needed it. Make sure you do the same for your kids when it’s your turn. And don’t forget to tithe.” She was adamant about that one.

5. My Mom and Dad were married for 57 years when he passed away in 2004. They provided a strong foundation for our own marriage, not for the things they said as much as the example they provided. They made sure we went to church faithfully too.

My Mother-in-law:

1. She loved fiercely. Being full-blooded Italian, family was the most important to her. She not only showed her love, but she expressed it often.

2. She was grateful for every blessing she had. Grateful to God and grateful for her family.

3. She served tirelessly when needed. I remember her coming over while we were in the process of renovating our home. I had just cleaned up the construction mess when one mistake sent fresh cement dust all through our house. All I could do was cry; I was so tired. She came over and cleaned it all and with a smile on her face. She even took my laundry home to wash for us.

4. She loved how “her Tommy” loves me. Tom’s sister’s name is Debbie, so she always called her “My Debbie” and me, “Tommy’s Debi”. I was happy to have that nickname.

5. She loved to cook for others. I am grateful she was willing to share her recipes with me. It brings me great joy to be able to make her sauce and her olive salad. I also have her Chestnut Stuffing recipe, which I mix with my southern Stuffing recipe at Thanksgiving to make a blend of our two families.

This Mother’s Day Tom is taking me away to the mountains. We will remember the gift we had in our Mom’s and thank God for His kindness to us.

How will you celebrate Mother’s Day this year? If you need ideas check out our Romantic Mother’s Day Ideas under the Only Husbands tab at the top of our page.

About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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2 Responses to Five Friday Favorites – Mother’s Day

  1. They say to be a parent
    is a kind of holy validation,
    and that you are aberrant
    is you don’t attain that station.
    The childless social circle
    is a banishment of sorts,
    a place of controversial
    and bitter, sad retorts.
    Biology’s acceptable
    but why didn’t you adopt?
    Wasn’t ‘foster’ on the table?
    Maybe your application flopped?
    I don’t mind the childless life
    ‘cept Mother’s Day, when I see my wife.

    Liked by 1 person

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