What Does A Healthy Marriage Look Like?

Photo Credit: womansday.com

School is about to begin and many parents are rushing to have their children’s annual Health Examination with a qualified doctor.  It is good to have regular check-ups in order to evaluate our body – to determine what’s healthy and what’s deprived.

It would be good for us to do this on a regular basis with our marriage; to have an annual check-up of sorts.  We are usually quite aware of what’s wrong with our spouse.  It’s the things we tend to get irritated over time and time again.  But do we purpose to sit down with our spouse to have an objective look at our own heart?

This is not much fun, but it is necessary if we are serious about wanting our marriage to grow.  Think about it…we are completely unable to change our spouse, even if we are acutely aware of what needs to change.  Only God can change a heart, and only when the person is cooperating humbly with the Spirit’s sanctifying work.

Photo Credit: always10.blogspot.com

So, let’s purpose this month to identify one area in which we are in need of change.  It would be even better if the area we choose is one our spouse identifies for us.  Then, go after it with determination to change in order to bless our spouse and to glorify God.  It won’t be easy or fun, but it will be good for us and for building a healthy marriage.

Finally, take a few moments to listen to this excellent video by Winston Smith where he answers the question, what does a healthy marriage look like?

What do you think a healthy marriage looks like?

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6 Responses to What Does A Healthy Marriage Look Like?

  1. Lori says:

    We give attention to those areas/items we want to grow. (our career, our children, our writing ability, our appearance, our bank account, etc.)

    I think a healthy marriage is like that – it has to have (positive) attention to grow.

    You’ve given us a direction to pay attention to this month: “identify one area in which we are in need of change.” Now it’s our turn to find that one thing and WORK it!

    Great concept, Debi – thanks!


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  3. Lisa Graf says:

    Excellent reminder! It’s easy to work on a marriage when there are issues; how much more beneficial would it be to proactively promote a healthy relationship with ones spouse before poop hits the fan! Looking forward to hearing what my husband would like me to work on!


  4. Mike Shippey says:

    Great post and great idea!
    I’m fortunate enough to be married to my true soulmate, and one of the things we have learned over the years is that those things we notice in the other person (which tend to tick us off or bother us) are usually just a reflection of ourselves.
    It’s very constructive to pay attention!
    Thanks for the post.


    • Debi Walter says:


      Well said. This goes back to the scripture about removing the log out of your own eye before going after the splinter in another’s eye. Someone told me the splinter we see in the friend’s eye is most likely the same as the log in my eye. If I didn’t have the similar sin, I wouldn’t notice or it wouldn’t bother me. This isn’t always the case, but since I’ve heard this I realize too many times the irritations others cause me I have often been guilty of myself. Knowing this helps me be quiet and more loving when it comes to seeing the deficiencies of others. Thanks for commenting,


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