Eyes on Thee, Not Me

Why is it one can see, hear and smell better in the mountains?  It just seems everything is crystal clear from this vantage point.  And this week is no exception.

We are spending this week away with our family in the mountains of Georgia.  It is loud – we have four grandchildren 3 and under.  It is busy – feeding 11 mouths three meals a day, plus snacks.  And it is FUN – lots of laughter at how a three year old uses manipulation to get what they want.  Not to mention how the adults can use the same tactics to get out of changing dirty diapers.  I’m not mentioning names, but trust me – it’s happened.

As we were driving up I-75 on Friday, Tom and I were talking about what God has been showing us about meekness.  I shared with him the part I am currently meditating on and praying about – not being hurried or rushed.  How often I can express this to friends making sure they know how busy I am.  I’ve never once considered how this might make my friends feel – until now.

Last week I was meeting a friend for coffee in the middle of a very hectic day.  By God’s kindness He allowed me to arrive first.  As I sat there I prayed that the Lord would help me to slow my heart and be prepared to enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee with my friend. She wanted to talk.  She wanted encouragement.  And most of all she wanted time with me. By God’s grace I was all there for her.  It was one of those “aha” moments for me, and I realized God was changing me.  I had never thought about this before now, and for once, I was choosing meekness instead of anxiousness.

Now that we are all together in this place, there is a HUGE temptation to become easily ruffled, perturbed and “unmeek”.  But God is helping Tom and me put on meekness one hour at a time.  And we believe He will help you too.

Are you planning to be with extended family or friends this Thanksgiving?  Why not give them the best you have, by asking God to clothe you with His meekness.  Maybe you’ll discover, like we have, that meekness is where gratefulness is most clearly seen, for our eyes are not focused on me, me, me, but on others, which glorifies THEE!

About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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2 Responses to Eyes on Thee, Not Me

  1. Melodye Jones says:

    Great post Debi! Pray you guys are having an amazing time with your family celebrating this season together. Just don’t forget to come home!!! Miss you!


    • Debi Walter says:

      Thanks, Mel! We are having a great time – even with the heat not working and the garbage disposal backing up. All in all it’s been uneventful! 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!!


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