I Will Be Your Witness

Photo Credit: Gone With The Wind archives

Photo Credit: Gone With The Wind archives

Today we want to talk about an important aspect of marriage, something you may not have thought about. It will help if you take a few minutes to watch this movie clip from Shall We Dance first.


A witness is defined as a person who attests to the genuineness of something or someone, in this case. One who knows first-hand.

Are you a good witness for your spouse’s life, love, hopes and dreams? Do you know what it is that motivates them day in and day out? As you look back on your years together, what stands out in the character department of their life?

It is easy to get so caught up in the routine and stress of daily life that we forget the privilege it is to have a front row seat to what God is doing in the life of our spouse. 

Just last night Tom and I had a date night that was unlike any we’ve had in a long time. We connected heart-to-heart as I shared some very personal things God is currently doing in my heart. These things have affected our marriage in an unhealthy way. It was confession time that is always so hard, especially when you’re proud like me, but it was so good. I knew my words and my heart were in good hands. Tom listened to me, cried with me, acknowledged what God was doing was good, and best of all? He loved me more for the vulnerability and willingness to hear his witness to my struggle.

He affirmed this was an area I needed to change. Rather than get angry and stomp away indignant that he saw my lack, I was able by God’s grace to thank Him for being an honest witness to my need for change.

You’ve heard people say, “As God is my witness, I’m telling the truth!” Well, He really is witnessing your life, your marriage, and the choices you’re making each day. But your spouse is also your witness. Ask them to tell you honestly what they’ve observed–the good, the bad and the ugly. But pray first and ask God to help you hear it with the right attitude–one that wants to grow for His glory and your growth in godliness.

We all need a witness that our life matters, and by God’s grace we’ve been given one who shares our bed each night and wakes each morning by our side, ready to do life together!

This is marriage at its best! 

In what ways is your witness encouraging your spouse to be a better person? How could your witness improve?

About Debi Walter

Tom and Debi have been sharing encouragements through their blogs for many years. Marriage, Reading God's Word and documenting family history is our focus. Growing in our relationship with the Lord is primary in all we say, write or do. We are grateful for all who desire to join us in the same endeavors.
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5 Responses to I Will Be Your Witness

  1. Carol says:

    What a great way of looking at it! I will purpose to look for ways that God is working in him.


  2. Sharon O says:

    You are always so encouraging to others. I appreciate your ministry.


  3. I really enjoyed this. I have been there with my wife for many years and it has always be “I’ve got your back” I’ve been with her during her ups and her downs, and my love is so deep. We always make time for each other.


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